Monday, December 28, 2009
Mother Nature
Afraid to awaken the mother of all life. I stood in front of her face waiting to find the right moment to announce myself. A light breeze pasted across her face pushing her hair back as she opened her eyes....
creative writing,
mad libs,
mother nature
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
The heat of working outside was getting to me. A bead of sweat rippled down my temple, continue past my right cheek to my jaw, where it rested a few seconds before falling to the cracked hard desert soil. I reached for the can...
Monday, December 14, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Laundry Day
Monday, November 16, 2009

The creamy smooth call of chocolate called for me. Not being able to stop the frenzy that lay beneath the surface. I grabbed one chocolate after another, unwrapping each one and popping the small dobs of pure bliss. First starting with a sticky sweetness until the warmth of my mouth melted each one into liquid form and it slid down my throat giving me the intoxication I desired. There was just one thing...
Friday, November 6, 2009

As far as I knew he needed my blood and with out it he would go on living an average life, but I knew he needed it to be whole to be better and to continue on being the miraculous person that he was. This was a sacrifice I was willing to accept. My blood was a precious limited resource...
ad libbing,
creative writing,
Monday, October 19, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Several years after the incident, I went back to see what had become of the old place. It wasn't the way I had remembered. It was smaller and the layout was different, but the one thing that was the same was the danger I had experienced. The eerie room was my reminder of how it had all begun and what I had lost.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Different Formats

Another way to do ad-libs is by asking these questions and filling in the storyline.
Once upon a time...
And everyday...
Until that day...
Because of this...
And because of this...
Until finally...
And ever since that day...
Try out this formula for this idea. See if it works. Comment on it and tell me if it's a better format for starting a story.
ad lib,
creative writing,
Monday, October 5, 2009
Cause it's my blog and I'll type what I want to

I wanted to talk about the weekend I had. I went to the Edmond's Writer's conference; Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. It was amazing! I learned so much. I wasn't sure if my brain could comprehend everything. I have never been to a writer's conference before. (Other types; yes.)
I loved that I found people more eccentric than me and many that were quieter too. The vast array of writers that were there was so exciting. Published and unpublished. Novelist and journalists. Bloggers and closet writers.
It was one of those experiences that was a real eye opener for me. I learned I have miles to go on my writing skills and at the same time there was hope for me yet, on the publishing front. If ever given the opportunity to attend a writer's conference, I highly recommend it.
Now back to our usual broadcasting.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
The traffic was busy and the city full of...
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Remember back in school

My favorite thing in school was ad-libs and I loved participating in them. It was probably the only thing I liked about school. Thanks to my friends on Facebook I got a fun idea for a blog.
I've been trying to come up with some sort of idea for the last year. I didn't want to sit and rant about my life(It's not that exciting.) and I also didn't feel I had enough knowledge on writing, to be giving advice. So after a bit of a journey I found the answer. Ad-libs!
This is all for fun. I want all those writers out there to join in. (Even the closet cases. You know who you are. You love to write, but get caught up in the fear of sharing.)
I have no intention of publishing any of the work we do together. The goal is to see how long we can keep a specific story going. (Please keep it at a PG 13 rating.) I hope this will help inspire writers to do what we do best. Keep Writing! Like my mama used to say, "creativity breeds creativity."
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