Monday, October 5, 2009

Cause it's my blog and I'll type what I want to

I wanted to talk about the weekend I had. I went to the Edmond's Writer's conference; Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. It was amazing! I learned so much. I wasn't sure if my brain could comprehend everything. I have never been to a writer's conference before. (Other types; yes.)
I loved that I found people more eccentric than me and many that were quieter too. The vast array of writers that were there was so exciting. Published and unpublished. Novelist and journalists. Bloggers and closet writers.
It was one of those experiences that was a real eye opener for me. I learned I have miles to go on my writing skills and at the same time there was hope for me yet, on the publishing front. If ever given the opportunity to attend a writer's conference, I highly recommend it.
Now back to our usual broadcasting.

1 comment:

  1. Tammy-I'm so glad to hear that your conference went well! Keep up the good work.
