Monday, December 28, 2009

Mother Nature

Afraid to awaken the mother of all life. I stood in front of her face waiting to find the right moment to announce myself. A light breeze pasted across her face pushing her hair back as she opened her eyes....

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


The heat of working outside was getting to me. A bead of sweat rippled down  my temple, continue past my right cheek to my jaw, where it rested a few seconds before falling to the cracked hard desert soil. I reached for  the can...

Monday, December 14, 2009


Santa was on the loose. Keeping us all in suspense, no one knew where he was or where he'd strike next...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Laundry Day

With pruned and wrinkly hands I hung the laundry out to dry. One towel after the other. Who knew if there was enough time left before the clouds would start rolling in. A race lingered between wet laundry and the darkening horizon...